Accelerating your impact investing

Scale up your Impact Investing
Invest alongside Accelerating Asia, which deploys capital to high growth startups in Asia Pacific that also contribute to the social good.
Headquartered out of Singapore, Accelerating Asia is an early stage accelerator and venture capital fund that invests in fast growing startups, all of which address at least one sustainable development goal (SDG) of the 2030 agenda set by the United Nations.
We collaborate with many partners across the social impact world, including development finance organizations as well as other private and government-funded institutions. All that matters is you wish to build winning startups, all while changing the world through entrepreneurship, innovation, and technology. Financial success and social impact can and should be linked, interrelated goals.
By partnering with Accelerating Asia, you can enhance your change-making in several significant ways.
Key Benefits
There are many funds that are laser-focused on backing organizations that address one or two of the SDGs. This approach is necessary. Just as necessary, however, are funds that take a macro-level view and concentrate on not just a handful of SDGs, but the majority of them and how they interrelate and enhance one another.
Accelerating Asia takes this second approach. Within our scope of investing into high growth startups, we provide broad, nearly complete coverage of all the SDGs, and we’ve collectively made exceptional progress. We’re contributing to decent work and economic growth (over 800 jobs have been created by our companies), gender equality (65% of our startups are gender-lens investments), and partnerships for the goals (we have been industry- and sector-agnostic when it comes to making an impact). By joining us, you not only make successful investments, but you become an advocate for sweeping change.
Accelerating Asia is of course equally concerned with fast growth as it is with social impact, given that we are returns-driven investors first and foremost. In tandem this means we want our organizations to operate around how they change their communities as quickly as they can.
To best serve this goal, a purely social impact lens would not do. It’s helpful on this front to borrow the tools and strategies of a tech entrepreneur. We thus provide all our founders with the resources they need to experience rapid growth. Our network of mentors, for example, provides them with strategic advice related to user acquisition, social media marketing, inbound marketing, influencer marketing, media relations, and more. Our fundamental belief at work here is that it’s not only users or revenues that can scale fast: Change can, too.
A common adage in the world of social impact is that talent is distributed evenly, but opportunity is not. At Accelerating Asia, we are committed to addressing this discrepancy in three key ways.
One, we actively seek out leaders traditionally underrepresented in the startup ecosystem, such as women, who make up 40% of our founders. Two, we make it a point to invest in emerging markets, such as Bangladesh, Myanmar, Pakistan, and the Philippines, where fewer global and regional investors tend to go. Three, we invest in traditional industries still ripe for innovation, but often go overlooked by other investors, such as agriculture and hospitality. Through Accelerating Asia, in short, you can create opportunities for the people, places, and industries that need it the most, and as a result, support lasting, scalable businesses.
Accelerate your impact in Asia
Partner with Accelerating Asia in backing the fastest growing organizations in the region that also advance the social good.